Message from the Director

At the Ventura County Department of Child Support Services, we believe thriving families are the foundation of a vibrant and healthy community. We know our children are our future, and raising our children takes the love and support of both parents. Our mission is to ensure that all children receive consistent and reliable support from both of their parents. We believe the best way to achieve this goal is by engaging with parents to gain an understanding of their current life circumstances and helping them provide for their children.
Our office is made up of dedicated child support professionals whose number one priority is delivering excellent customer service with compassion and integrity. Our child support services include establishing parentage, setting the child support amount, receiving and distributing payments and reviewing orders for modification, without having to pay court filing fees or hiring an attorney.
We understand the dynamics of the family, and know that juggling your children, your relationships and your finances can sometimes become challenging, but we are here to help you navigate the child support process. It is our desire to gain your trust and help you to ensure your children’s needs are adequately and fairly met. We believe in transforming lives through the true power of child support.
Marcus R Mitchell Director, VCDCSS