Child/Adult Abuse & Neglect Hotline: 805-654-3200
Helpful Links & Information
Public Charge Rule | La Regla de Carga Pública
- Resources to Help Understand the Public Charge Rule
- Recursos para Ayudar a Entender la Nueva Regla de Carga Públic
Immigration Scam Information
Community Resources
- Be Prepared for a Power Outage Flyer
- Department of Child Support Services – Apply for Child Support
- WIC – Women Infants & Children Program
- 211 Ventura County Resource Database
- FOOD Share Pantries
- Doctors Accepting Medi-Cal
- Dentists Accepting Denti-Cal
- Vision Care Providers Accepting Medi-Cal – Click on the link and create a free account, to receive a list of vision care providers who accept Medi-Cal.
- Pharmacies Accepting Medi-Cal
- Locations Accepting EBT Cards
- Substance Abuse Treatment Center Locator
- HPRP – Homelessness Prevention & Rapid Re-Housing
- Benefits Screening Tool
- Employment
- Tax Preparation Assistance
- Self-Pay Discount Program – Uninsured or Underinsured
- If you are 60 years or older or have a disability, additional resources can be found at Ventura County Area Agency on Aging
- Meal Program – Oxnard Union High School District
- Local Farmer’s Markets Accept EBT Cards
- Register To Vote
- Get Your Social Security Verification Letter
- Healthy Eating & Active Living
- Safely Surrendered Baby Program
- HSA Data and Information
Utility, Legal & Insurance Resources
Free (or Low Cost) Cell Phone (with free minutes and some with free text messaging) available for Medi-Cal, CalFresh, CalWORKs, SSI, or Section 8 participants (among others). Fore more information, click here.
Legal Assistance is available at the County of Ventura Self-Help Legal Access Center with locations in Ventura and Oxnard, an online self-help resource center, and free online webinars and at at California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA)
Affordable Internet Services
High-speed Internet at an affordable price is available. If a member of your household receives benefits from one of many programs such as free or reduced-cost lunch (National School Lunch Program), Social Security Income (SSI) (age 65+), CalFresh, Medi-Cal, CalWORKs, Woman Infants and Children (WIC), you may qualify.
- Spectrum Internet Assist Program – High-speed Internet at an affordable price for new Spectrum members. If a member of your household is a recipient of free or reduced-cost lunch or Social Security Income (SSI) (age 65+), you may qualify. More information. En Español
- AT&T Access Program – Low-cost wired home internet services. If a member of your household is a recipient of U.S. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (CalFresh) or SSI, you may qualify. More information. En Español.
- Frontier Lifeline Program – Internet and phone discounts for existing Frontier customers. If a member of your household is a recipient of certain program-based services or based on income eligibility, you may qualify. More information. En Español.
Deaf & Disabled Telecommunications Program (DDTP) offers free specialized phones that make it easier for Californians who are deaf and disabled to hear, dial, and call. To learn more visit DDTP, watch video, or call 1-800-806-1191 (Voice) / 1-800-806-4474 (TTY). (DDTP – Español)
California’s Low-Cost Automobile Insurance is a state-sponsored program that makes insurance affordable for California residents who are income eligible with good driving records www.mylowcostauto.com or call 866-602-8861.
Save on Your Electric Bill
If you or someone in your home participates in Medi-Cal, CalFresh, or CalWORKs, you can qualify for a CARE discount of up to 30% off your monthly electric bill.
English – Español – SCE
Receive a 20% Discount on Your Gas Bill
If you or someone in your home receives Medi-Cal, CalFresh, CalWORKs, or certain other benefits, you may qualify for a 20% CARE discount on your monthly gas bill.
English – SoCalGas
Español – SoCalGas
Utility Assistance for Low-Income Oxnard Residents
The program gives qualified residents $10 off their monthly utility bill, which includes water, sewer, and solid waste. To qualify, residents must already participate in the Southern California Edison’s California Alternate Rates for Energy program or other assistance programs.
Click here for more information