- Agricultural Commissioner
- About Us
- FAQs
- Funding
- How We Are Funded
- County General Fund
- Pesticide Use Reporting
- Oak Death Inspection
- Pierce’s Disease Control
- Pierce’s Disease Nursery Treatments
- Organic Crops Program
- Seed Inspection
- Nursery Inspection
- Farmers Market Inspection
- Land Use Planning
- Pest Control Business Registrations
- Citrus Maturity Inspection
- Programs
- How We Spend Our Time
- Pest Detection and Eradication
- Citrus Inspection and Commodity Regulation
- Pierce’s Disease Control
- Pest Exclusion and Plant Quarantine
- Seed Inspection
- Nursery Inspection
- Farmers Market Inspection
- Egg Quality Control
- Apiary Inspection
- Crop Statistics
- Pesticide Use Enforcement
- NPDES MS4 Permit Compliance Inspections
- Land Use Planning
- Toland Landfill Project
- Weights & Measures
- Notices
- Crop Reports
- Contact Us
- Agricultural Commissioner
- About Us
- FAQs
- Funding
- How We Are Funded
- County General Fund
- Pesticide Use Reporting
- Oak Death Inspection
- Pierce’s Disease Control
- Pierce’s Disease Nursery Treatments
- Organic Crops Program
- Seed Inspection
- Nursery Inspection
- Farmers Market Inspection
- Land Use Planning
- Pest Control Business Registrations
- Citrus Maturity Inspection
- Programs
- How We Spend Our Time
- Pest Detection and Eradication
- Citrus Inspection and Commodity Regulation
- Pierce’s Disease Control
- Pest Exclusion and Plant Quarantine
- Seed Inspection
- Nursery Inspection
- Farmers Market Inspection
- Egg Quality Control
- Apiary Inspection
- Crop Statistics
- Pesticide Use Enforcement
- NPDES MS4 Permit Compliance Inspections
- Land Use Planning
- Toland Landfill Project
- Weights & Measures
- Notices
- Crop Reports
- Contact Us
Toland project

The Toland Project benefits the Agricultural Industry by assuring that the operation of the Landfill does not reduce the viability of the surrounding agricultural operations by increasing dust and allowing nuisance bird populations attendant upon the landfill operations to invade and damage surrounding agricultural crops. Agricultural inspectors visit the landfill both during normal business hours and after hours and on weekends to determine if the Ventura Regional Sanitation District (VRSD) is abiding by the conditions outlined in the Conditional Use Permit originally developed in the late 1990s. The specific conditions monitored by the Agricultural Commissioner are dust mitigation and nuisance bird control. Routine visits also allow inspectors to monitor for conditions related to roadway litter and illegal dumping and on-site hazardous waste monitoring and diversion. This program is funded through fees charged to the VRSD for inspection.