Ventura County Government Center
Hall of Administration Building, Fourth Floor
800 S. Victoria Ave.
Ventura, CA 93009-1940


Property Identification - Changes for 2023

The Assessor has changed how they identify certain properties on the Assessment Roll. Please ensure you reference the proper new identification numbers when filing an Assessment Appeal Application or when contacting County Offices with questions. 

Property on the Secured Roll

There has been no change to how Residential, Commercial, and Manufactured Homes Properties Assessed on the Secured Roll are identified. These will continue to be identified by “Assessor Parcel Number” or “APN”.

Please utilize the “Assessor Parcel Number” from your annual notice of Assessment when submitting an Assessment Appeal Application for Secured Property, including Residential, Commercial and Manufactured Home Properties.

Property on the Unsecured Roll

Property on the Unsecured Roll consisting of Possessory Interests, Fictitious Parcels, Business Property and Fixtures, Boats/Watercraft, Aircraft, and Leased Property will now be identified and referred to by “Property Number”. This will be different from the Assessor’s Parcel Number and Account number you may be used to.

Please utilize the “Property Number” from your Unsecured Tax Bill when submitting an Assessment Appeal Application for Unsecured Property, including Possessory Interest, Fictitious Parcels, Business Property, Boats, Aircraft, and Leased properties.

The “Parcel Number” that may be listed on your Unsecured Tax Statement is not the Parcel Number that the Assessment is attached to on the Assessment Roll. This Parcel Number is for the Secured Property location where the Assessor believes the property is located and is only listed to ensure the proper Tax Rate Area is applied. In the case of Boats and Aircraft, this may be the Parcel Number associated with the location of where your property is stored, such as a marina, aircraft hangar, or your home.

Do not reference the Parcel Number for Unsecured Property when filing an appeal or contacting the County with questions, as it will result in the incorrect property being reviewed.

Assessment Number

The Assessment Number is a unique number applied to each Assessment enrolled by the Assessor’s Office. It will change with each year and each assessment issued to you. The Assessment number will identify the specific assessment. When appealing a Regular/Annual Assessment, you may look up the Assessment based on this Assessment number.

At this time, the Clerk of the Board’s online appeal system does not have the ability to lookup Assessment Numbers for Supplemental and Escape Assessments, therefore those items must be searched for based on the identification numbers as listed above.


For questions about your new property identification number, please contact the Assessor at (805) 654-2181 or Email 

For questions about which number to place on your Assessment Appeal Application, please contact the Clerk of the Assessment Appeals Board at (805) 654-2251 or

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