Child/Adult Abuse & Neglect Hotline: 805-654-3200
Housing - After Eighteen
There are a number of housing options available to emerging adults who choose to participate in the extended foster care program. Click here for a comparison of various options.
Extended Foster Care Placement Options
Emerging adults who reach agreements with their current foster families to continue living with them will transition into one of two placement arrangements depending on the level of independent living skills demonstrated by the emerging adult:
Foster Family – Extended Foster Care – appropriate for emerging adults who need more time to develop their independent living skills.
Emerging adults who reach agreements with their current foster families to continue living with them, but who need more time to develop their independent living skills, will enter into a Foster Family – Extended Foster Care placement arrangement. Under this arrangement, the foster parents will continue to receive the approved basic rate (plus any other allowable special reimbursements).
Supervised Independent Living – Extended Foster Care – reserved for emerging adults with adequate independent living skills.
Emerging adults who reach agreements with their current foster families to continue living with them, and who have adequate independent living skills, will enter into a “supervised independent living – extended foster care” arrangement. Under this arrangement, the emerging adult can receive the approved basic rate (plus any other allowable special reimbursements).
When considering these placement options, the emerging adult shall complete a Supervised Independent Living Program Readiness Assessment jointly with their social worker.
Financial arrangements for both types of placements as well as agreements for curfew times, chores, and other such household “rules” will vary according to the decisions reached by each household. Children & Family Services social workers will be available to help facilitate conversations, as needed, and agreements will be documented in the Mutual Agreement for Extended Foster Care.
Transitioning from childhood to adulthood while living in the same household will no doubt present growth opportunities for both emerging adults and their foster parents. Please know that emerging adults and foster parents will receive plenty of emotional support from Children & Family Services social workers in adjusting to the change.
Click here to view housing options.
Supervised Independent Living Placements
Emerging adults who have good independent living skills may be approved to enter into Supervised Independent Living – Extended Foster Care. Under this arrangement, they will receive a monthly payment from the County, and may select any apartment or house they would like, as long as the property meets basic health and safety standards.
Emerging adults will be responsible for participating in interviews with prospective landlords, asking questions to assess the security of the home and making housing decisions in line with their financial, transportation, and other goals. Children & Family Services social workers will be available to help make decisions and facilitate conversations, if needed, with potential landlords.
Each emerging adult may reach a different financial agreement with his/her landlord. For example, one rental agreement may lay out a plan to pay a portion of his/her monthly payment from the County to the landlord as rent. Another rental agreement may outline a sliding scale for rent that depends on work earnings or school expenses. Similarly, rental agreements will vary in the way issues such as noise levels, parking, and pets are addressed.
For further information, please contact us.
Opting Out of Extended Foster Care
Emerging adults who choose not to participate in Extended Foster Care will exit the system, but may choose to enter the program in the future by contacting the Coordinator for the Extended Foster Care program or by completing the Extended Foster Care Program Re-Entry Agreement.
Housing Resources
The resources listed below are available to any county resident and may also be accessed by emancipated and foster youth.
Area Housing Authority of the County of Ventura
1400 W. Hillcrest Drive, Newbury Park, CA 91320
Phone 805-480-9991 Fax 805-480-1021
See a map
Section 8, Affordable Housing & Development Office
11122 Snapdragon Street, Suite 100, Ventura, CA 93004
Phone 805-647-5990 Fax 805-647-4691
See a map …
Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP)
Through the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009, the Ventura County Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) is making funds available to local residents who would be homeless but for this assistance. The intent is to help with housing stability. Telephone numbers English 805-385-8585 Spanish 805-385-1800.
Ventura County Homeless Information and Referral
(805) 385-1800
Coalition for Family Harmony (Domestic Violence Shelter)
805-983-6014 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-300-2181
Samaritan Center – Simi Valley
Salvation Army Transitional Living Center (families & single women)
155 S. Oak Street, Ventura