Child/Adult Abuse & Neglect Hotline: 805-654-3200

More Adult Protective Services

Adult Protective Services is a state-mandated program that helps ensure the safety and well-being of elders and other adults with disabilities. Social workers investigate allegations of abuse and neglect, assess client needs, and provide short-term case management and a connection to other services.


Forms & Documents

Adult Protective Services Tool for Risk, Intervention, & Outcomes (APS-TRIO)

The APS-TRIO was designed and developed in Ventura County by social workers for social workers based on social work practice and principles. It is a risk assessment instrument, researched and validated by the University of California at San Diego, which standardizes the approach to assessing risk, correlates the assessment with interventions and measures outcomes in the area of health, safety, and elimination or reduction of harm.

The TRIO supports the work of the social worker and incorporates but does not supplant social worker judgment, experience, training, and supervision. It guides the social worker through the process of investigation and assessment, and documents the work that is conducted on behalf of the client.

For further information read the APS -TRIO. (Those without MS PowerPoint may wish to view the PDF of the presentation.)

Useful Links

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